Countdown to Election Day  – Your Vote Matters!



Mission Statement – Kennewick School Board

Giving a voice to kids, parents, and teachers who want full time-in person learning.

We live in the greatest country in the world.  Our country is wonderfully unique.  We are under attack and anti-American ideas are infiltrating our schools.  Ideas such as the new Sex-Ed bill (R-90) and Critical Race Theory aim to destroy our core family values.

I have 4 daughters in the KSD; Elementary, Middle, and High Schools.  I will fight for and promote core learning (reading, writing, and arithmetic).  No Mask Mandates!  Critical Race Theory and dangerous sex education should never be taught in our schools.  Our kids should be playing sports and seeing each other’s faces. 

Our school board’s current policies do not represent the majority of local families.  We need strong leadership, a balanced perspective, and the bravery to fight for things we believe in. Our kids should have never lost a year of school.  The damage from the solution was far greater than the virus. We have some crucial bonds, levies, and referendums coming up.  Do you trust current leadership?  Do you trust their decision making again? If not, Vote Valentine!

I’m a passionate and transparent person.  I love God, my family, America, the outdoors, and my local sports teams!  I have a great support network and a stunning wife who does a great job taking care of our family.  Get the “real scoop” inside our lives by following  my wife Tia, or my personal blog.

  • Vote Valentine for Kennewick School Board
How you do anything is how you do everything ~Micah Valentine

Written in response to the opposition of bills ESB 5462 and ESHB 2331 by Micah Valentine, Vice President of the Kennewick School Board.  This article represents the opinions of one single member and not the board as a whole.  …

What is critical race theory? Do we want it in our schools?  Is it already in our schools?In short, critical race theory (CRT) is Marxism with a twist.  Marxism essentially divides groups by social class, where CRT divides groups by…

Post Coming Soon...     Future Highlights: Competition & Freedom

Covid-19 is real.  It is a real virus. It really has killed thousands of Americans, especially those with health concerns. Have we been told the truth about the Coronavirus? Covid is an emotional subject which is why it's very polarizing. …

Audit Finds Mich. County's Dominion Voting Was Rigged to Create Fraud

Are children at risk of dying from Covid-19?

The simple answer is yes, as their is risk in everything; BUT that is really the wrong question.

The RIGHT QUESTION should be how much risk are children of dying from Covid-19.  To answer that, let's get some perspective. 

In 2019 128 kids died in school bus accidents.

As of 12/15/2020 Ninety-Two (92) children under the age of 15 have died of Covid-19 according to the CDC.

View Micah's LinkedIn Profile and Work History Resume. Micah was born in Olympia, WA.  Raised in Elma, WA in Grays Harbor County. His dad (Steven) was in the navy special forces, and served in the Vietnam War.  Steve was medically…

Lower taxes are good right?   Upcoming post and discussion about: Taxes are essential and our founding fathers knew that.  For a government to run, it needs to be funded, but funding our government must be done with caution.  If…

Referendum 90 is absolutely disgusting!  It should not be taught in our schools.  Parents should be the primary teachers of their children when it comes to sex. 

R-90 teaches kids to become sexual predators, encourages them to experiment in many unhealthy sexual ways, encourages sexual experiences to underaged kids and more.  Read more HERE.

Micah will fight to keep this out of our local schools.

CTR has no place in our schools or government.  Kids are not born racist.  They should not be separated into groups of “oppressors” or “oppressed”. Our curriculum should be focused on reading, writing, arithmetic, comprehension, and life skills.

Our teachers are being asked to teach “equity” principles, not “equality” principles.  The most fundamental and critical aspect of each human is not their race.  We all have the same divine potential, but that does not mean we need to hold gifted kids back to equal things out in the end.

Micah would have voted to keep schools open.  The solution to the problem was worse than the problem itself. 

It was evident from the beginning; kids were not very vulnerable to Covid but were being affected by depression. Our school board elected to chose a known harm (depression) over a potential harm (Covid).

Keeping our kids from school harmed them much worse then the zero Covid deaths to youth in the Tri-Cities.

Micah will vote to put kids in full time school immediately and give each person a choice to wear a mask or not.

Micah thinks kids should have a choice to wear masks. It’s a personal choice to wear a mask in sports or in school.

On a personal level, he would not put masks on his own kids.

Yes, Micah has kids at every level inside the KSD. 

1 at Sage Crest Elementary School

2 at Chinook Middle School

1 at Southridge High School

Yes. The longer people are in government, or political positions, the more connections and deals they make. Politicians get less interested in doing the right thing and more interested in “not offending” their new friends.
Political personalities and school board members can become more interested in their own advancement, name recognition, and lifestyle than helping the kids depending on them and people who elected them.
As new members cycle in, so do new ideas, refreshing the system.

Micah believes the role of government is to set up infrastructure with low regulations and then get out of the way allowing people to build, create, invent, and thrive.

He is also dedicated to turning the power back to the community. The local school board does not represent the views of the community. For this reason, Micah works on several committees in the BCRP and has been integral in bringing several PCO’s into the party: growing the base. He has been tirelessly working to grow the party’s infrastructure so future conservatives can win elections.

Just reach out via Facebook, Instagram or through this website.  He would love to hear from you!



Micah Valentine supports Tri-Cities Businesses